About Us
Bublet Co was born early 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic was unleashed unto the world, and I found myself newly pregnant, isolated, stood down from my job in aviation, and like many of us, generally re-evaluating my life.
During my pregnancy I became very sick and my beautiful baby girl came 9 weeks early- it was a stressful time, but I immediately fell in love like I never had before.
As a new mum who had waited a long time to finally start a family, I found that I really enjoyed the whole process of setting up the nursery and finding all the things I would need for my little bubba. I was so excited- I wanted everything to be perfect.
I started my search for a nappy bag that reflected the love and pride I felt for my little bublet, but all I found were bland and uninspired options- nappy bags that were either trying to disguise themselves as any other ordinary bag, or bags with ugly small repeating patterns. When I finally did find something pretty, it never had all the compartments I wanted.
My frustration grinded on me- I didn’t want a bag that tried to look like an ordinary bag- it wasn’t an ordinary time for me! I wanted a nappy bag that screamed “I have the most beautiful little bublet in the world, and damn right this is a baby bag!!”

Growing up, I always had a deep love of creativity, painting, drawing, playing music and the beautiful natural world around us, but over the years my chosen career had slowly but surely taken me further and further away from my core.
If the pandemic had a silver lining for me, it was forcing me to take a two-year step back from a demanding job and finally reconnecting with my almost extinguished creative side. I wanted to combine my rediscovered passions with the deep love I felt for my baby daughter in order to create something truly special for parents everywhere.
These nappy bags are a testament to the beauty of motherhood, and in their design I strive to bring a touch of uniqueness and inspiration to the everyday lives of parents, while still enabling them to have a bag that is functional and comfortable.
I certainly know how important it is to be well organised when time is scarce in the gigantic mess that is new mumma life, and so I ensured my design would meet every need I could think of- I just made the bag I could never find.
Thank you for considering Bublet Co for your baby bag needs. I hope that you will find as much delight in my bags as I have found in creating them. More to come!